Vitamins and Minerals for Anemia

Vitamins and Minerals for Anemia
Anemia is a medical condition that occurs when there are not enough healthy red blood cells in the body. Red blood cells play an important role in the body because they work to supply oxygen to the tissue in the body. There are many causes of anemia, with the most common cause being a lack of iron in the body. Most patients should take iron supplements, but there are also other vitamins and minerals that can help to improve the condition.

Iron and Folic Acid for Anemia

Vitamins and Minerals for AnemiaIron is located in hemoglobin, which is a part of the red blood cell that combines with oxygen, transporting it to the cells throughout he body. Iron is an important part of diet, but those with anemia tend to not get enough iron through their diet. This is especially true for those that follow a vegetarian or vegan diet. It’s best to discuss proper dosage of iron with a doctor before taking it in supplemental form.

Folic acid helps to make hemoglobin, and helps cells to replicate themselves properly. Folic acid is the synthetic form of folate, and is easier for the body to absorb. Folic acid is added to enriched foods like breads, pasta and cereal, but can also be taken in supplemental form. Folate, on the other hand, can be found in orange juice, legume and green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin B12 for Anemia

vitamins and minerals for anemia - milk and dairy productsVitamin B12 works along with folic acid to maintain blood cell health, and a lack of this vitamin leads to a decrease in production of cells. It also affects the health of blood cells. Vitamin B12 is found mostly in meats and dairy, but can also be found in many fortified foods and non dairy products that are enriched for vegans and vegetarians. It can also be taken in supplemental form.

Although these vitamins and minerals can be very beneficial for those that have anemia, they should not be used to replace anything that has been prescribed by a doctor. They should also not be used to replace any form of treatment that has been suggested by a medical professional. These vitamins and minerals can however be used in addition to any form of conventional treatment, as well as other forms of natural medicine.

Melatonin for Sleep: Melatonin Use as a Natural Sleep Aid

Melatonin for Sleep
Melatonin is a natural biological neurotransmitter produced by the body to induce sleep. The circadian rhythm is a 24-hour internal clock, and it ensures your body receives enough rest. Melatonin for sleep is released when the environment around you gets dark. For people who lack melatonin or have poor sleep habits due to stress, a natural sleep aid with melatonin can help induce sleep and provide a good night’s rest. Whenever you take any prescription sleep aid or non-prescription sleep aid, check with your doctor. Melatonin can interact with some drugs, so ensure the herbal sleep supplement does not interfere with your doctor’s medication treatment.

Insomnia and Melatonin Sleep Aid

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, melatonin sleep aid helps people with insomnia problems. Small children and infants have the most melatonin production, and the amount of melatonin produced reduces as we age. For this reason, seniors and older adults are typically the age group that needs herbal sleep aids for a good night’s sleep. Melatonin even helps travelers prevent jet lag from long plane trips that cross several time zones.

How to Increase Melatonin and Fight Insomnia

Before reaching for OTC sleep aids, you can help fight insomnia. First, bright lights slow production of melatonin. Before going to sleep, make sure the room is dark. Keep lighting around you while you relax very dimly lit. Bright lights send messages to the pineal gland to stop melatonin production, so the lights can keep you awake for longer and induce insomnia. Avoid caffeine or any other stimulant. Stimulants increase heart rate and keep you hyperactive instead of relaxing. Melatonin for sleep is interrupted by stimulants and bright lights.

Effects of Insomnia

effects of insomniaThe effects of insomnia are mostly psychological. The psychological effects can then manifest in physical problems such as poor work performance, trouble concentrating, and accidents and trauma. Mood disorders are also linked to insomnia. The circadian rhythm plays a role in hormone production, so hormone levels may cause personality changes due to poor sleeping habits.

Melatonin pills and extracts are found at a vitamin shop or nutrition store. You can also found melatonin extracts in some teas. The teas are made a few hours before you go to bed, so the melatonin levels increase right before you go to bed. Make sure to check ingredients in any pills, and check with a licensed physician. Even secondary herbal insomnia supplements ingredients can interact with prescribed medication.