Colored Contact Lenses

Beside wearing breathable contact lenses that are allowing the oxygen to flow freely through them, you can try wearing colored contact lenses.

These colored contact lenses have become very fashionable lately, and they give you the ability to really change your appearance.

It’s kind of nice to have the option to change your whole look around, by changing the color of your eyes…

There is a saying that’s quite famous. It says that the “eyes are the window to the soul”.

So if you want to have the appearance of very captivating eyes, and open the windows to your soul in a whole new way, then colored contact lenses is definitely the way to go.

But how do you know which type of lenses to pick?

Well, if you are new to this experience then you’re certainly in luck.

I’ll provide you with a nice rundown of all of your options, so you can see the different types of color contact lens choices available to you.

Are you ready? Good.

Let’s get to it…

What Are Opaque Contact Lenses?

Here’s the thing about opaque lenses…

They can change the color of your eye in a very dramatic fashion. It really doesn’t even matter if your eye color is dark.

Here’s what it does…

Inside of the contact lens, there is a solid colored ring that covers over your iris. But it leaves a clear hole in the center of your eye which allows light to pass through it.

And so you know, the majority of the color contact lenses are actually opaque.

So it could very well end up being the option you go with since it is the type that is used the most often for colored contact lenses.

Next up we have…

Enhancement Tint Lenses

This is another specialty lens in the world of color contacts. I’ll provide you with a brief explanation so you know precisely what they are…

For starters, the lens itself is translucent. That makes it very effective at enhancing a person’s eye color naturally. This is obviously the reason they are called enhancement tints.

But here’s the really important thing that you need to know about this type of contact lens…

If you have a really dark eye color, enhancement tint lenses will have a difficult time changing the color to a different shade.

So I have to go on record and say that if you have a naturally light eye color, then enhancement tints will work perfectly for you.

But on the other hand, if your eye color is naturally dark, then enhancement tints aren’t going to be that effective in changing your personal eye color.

So if you have dark eyes, then I recommend you choose a different type of colored contact lenses Ireland when you make your final decision.

The other options will be a lot more effective for you then enhancement tint lenses.

I learned this through personal experience, so please trust my judgment since I know I’m talking about.

The next type is…

Light Filtering Tints

As far as colored contact lenses are concerned, light filtering tints are the latest development in this trend.

This contact lens is specifically designed for those who like to play sports on a recreational or professional level. They work wonders for people who play sports such as baseball, tennis or golf, or any other sport that keeps you out in the sun for an extended period of time or need to stop the excessive exposure to blue light.

Would you like to know why this is such an incredible contact lens?

Because when you’re playing sports, certain colors can really distract your game. But when you’re wearing light-filtering tints, they are able to mute really bright colors and enhance other colors while you play.

So this type of color contact lenses Ireland really isn’t geared toward changing the color of your eyes. Its main purpose is to help you perform better while playing sports.

Here’s a quick example to help bring this point home…

Say you are a tennis player that has had a difficult time following the ball while on the court.

If you were to pick up a pair of light yellow or gold tint color contact lenses and use them while playing tennis, you’d be able to track the ball much more easily.

This type of contact lens helps brighten the background, so you’ll have an easier time seeing the ball while on the court during play.

It’s a great invention, and it will really help boost your tennis game a great deal.

There are other lenses designed specifically to help you with other sports, so you’ll have to do further research to find the ideal lenses to help you with your sport of choice.

The final type of color contact lenses that I’d like to mention is…

Visibility Tints

This is another special type of color contact lens, but in reality, it will not change your eye color at all. But it does serve a specific purpose which I will fill you in on right now…

You see, visibility tints are slightly tinted to make them easier to insert and remove from your eyes.

Some people struggle when it comes to putting their contact lenses in their eyes, and they often have a difficult time taking them out because they’re so hard to see.

Clear contact lenses blend in with your eyes perfectly, and it can often pose a problem for people when they’re trying to take them out.

But not so much with visibility tints, because the color is slightly shaded and it makes it much easier for you to see.

Here’s another good benefit to this type of contact lens…

If you drop it on the floor, it will be a lot easier for you to find.

Clear contact lenses are often difficult because they blend in with everything. But the visibility tints are slightly shaded so there is color contrast and a bit of a difference.

That’s all we have for colored contact lenses. I hope you found this information both useful and informative.

The Benefits of Magnesium

Magnesium is a very important mineral that the body needs in order to function properly. Unfortunately, most Americans are magnesium-deficient.

Minerals play a very important role in the healthy functioning of the body and are the most permanent part of anybody. Unlike vitamins and herbs, minerals are inorganic substances, meaning that they do not come from living things. Once absorbed, minerals become part of tissue structure, as in bones and teeth, and they function in nerve impulse transmission and muscle contraction. They also help keep the body at a neutral pH, balancing out acidity, and help release energy from food.

One such important mineral is magnesium. Statistics show that up to 83% of the American population is deficient in magnesium, and this deficiency can be the hidden cause behind many common health problems. The vitamin and mineral-deficient food that most modern people live on simply does not contain enough magnesium for the body to do what it needs without malfunction.

Functions of Magnesium

Naturally found in meat, seafood, nuts, and whole grains, magnesium is absolutely necessary for proper muscle and nerve function. It also aids in the body’s absorption of calcium and plays a key role in the strength and formation of bones and teeth.

Moving into the cardiovascular system, magnesium helps stabilize the rhythm of the heartbeat and helps prevent abnormal blood clotting in the heart, thereby regulating blood pressure and significantly lowering the risk of heart attack and stroke. Because of its vital role in muscle relaxation, magnesium can be very helpful in dealing with chronic muscle cramps, stiffness, muscle injuries, and even fibromyalgia.

Some symptoms of magnesium deficiency are leg cramps, migraines, fatigue, loss of appetite, depression, nausea and vomiting, or even high blood pressure. Here are a few more issues with which magnesium can be helpful:

  • anxiety
  • asthma
  • bursitis
  • high cholesterol
  • constipation
  • dry skin
  • infertility
  • insomnia
  • neuropathy
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • diabetes – in fact, over 80% of adults with Type II diabetes have tested magnesium deficient; people with diabetes who supplement with magnesium have improved insulin and glucose levels

How to Supplement Magnesium

The recommended daily amount of magnesium for a healthy adult is 300-500 mg, and there are several different ways to boost the body’s supply of this important mineral. While magnesium capsules are easy and very popular, they are the least efficient way to get magnesium levels to normal, because the body absorbs only about 40% of what is taken in a capsule. A drink made with magnesium powder is a good way to supplement and can be a wonderful way to end the day – taken at bedtime, magnesium helps the muscles to relax and the body to sleep more deeply. Magnesium can also be absorbed through the skin via a gel or oil. Magnesium gel or oil can be applied directly to the skin, put in a foot soak or a bath, or even mixed in with soap and shampoo. Magnesium is safe for everyone, including children, and can be very helpful in correcting disorders and promoting overall health.

4 Tips for Eating Clean and Making Healthier Food Choices

Eating healthy foods is a long-term solution for sustained weight loss and better health. Learn simple ways to get started making healthy food choices by eating clean.

Many people are looking for a way to lose weight and improve their health in a healthy way. Fed up with fad diets, people want an eating plan that will not only help them lose weight and get fit, but also a plan that is more of a lifestyle, not something that they have to go “on” and “off.” Eating clean is one way to do just that. Here are a few tips to get started eating clean.

1. Stop Drinking Soda and Other Sugary Drinks

4 Tips for Eating Clean and Making Healthier Food Choices - avoid sugary drinks

Sugary beverages such as soda and some fruit juices have absolutely no nutritional value and actually make you feel worse both physically and mentally. Sugar-laden drinks spike your blood sugar quickly, which causes fatigue and hunger and cravings for even more sugar. Opt for lots of water or your favorite teas flavored with a natural sweetener if desired and freshly-squeezed or 100% fruit juice. If you don’t like the taste of plain water, try adding some flavor like lemon or lime.

2. Switch to Whole Grains

4 Tips for Eating Clean and Making Healthier Food Choices - switch to whole grains

The main goal of eating clean is giving the body foods that are not overly processed. Wholegrain breads and pastas have been processed less and contain no added sugar or white flour as white bread and regular pasta do. Make sure you read the ingredients list when purchasing whole grains. Many wholegrain foods contain high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), which is also included in white bread, and the verdict is still out on the healthfulness of HCFS. Consuming HCFS is not a part of eating clean, so reading ingredient lists and avoiding HCFS as much as possible is a step in the right direction towards eating clean.

Opt for healthy tortillas such as whole wheat tortillas or corn tortillas since they are minimally processed and retain their nutritional value. Tip: when using corn tortillas, warm the tortillas before use because otherwise, they will break apart when you try to roll them.

3. Keep Healthy Snacks Within Easy Reach

4 Tips for Eating Clean and Making Healthier Food Choices - healthy snacking

Instead of buying chips and cookies, choose fresh fruits and veggies, slivered almonds, granola, and other healthful, clean snacks. Clean and chop (if desired) fresh fruits and veggies as soon as you get them home from the grocery and store them in a container in the fridge so they’re easily accessible and ready to eat when you are hungry and looking for a snack. Also, you can make a lot of healthy snacks ahead of time and store them in a container as well or freeze them for later use. Keep ingredients needed for smoothies on-hand at all times since smoothies are a quick and easy clean snack.

4. Eat More Often

4 Tips for Eating Clean and Making Healthier Food Choices - small, frequent meals

Eating mini-meals every two to three hours throughout the day keeps blood sugar levels under control, no crashing and burning especially eating clean foods. Eating small, frequent meals also keeps hunger and cravings at bay.

How to Live Healthier While Capturing a Longer Life

Afforable Quality Vitamins - Live a longer and healthier life

According to the American Surgeon General’s Report on Nutrition & Health, 75% of cardiovascular diseases, 60% of women’s cancers, and 40% of men’s cancers are related to nutrition and diet. This is a startling statistic since every person on earth is susceptible unless intervention occurs. The mind of the individual possesses the power to switch tracks to alter behavior. In accordance with the above statement, let’s examine statistics related to the positive or negative influence of common activities in our daily lives.

  • Washing hands: +2years
  • Dental hygiene: +6 years
  • Divorce: -3 years
  • Regular exercise: +2 years (losing 2,000 calories each week)
  • Cigarette smoking: -10 years
  • If smoking, no exercise, stressful life: -20 years

Additional information from this source shows that both positive thinking and the practice of meditation possess positive results. An additional tidbit…the habit of fasting one day monthly consuming only water can assure improved health over time. Another suggestion is that a banana consumed on a daily basis can reduce the chance of a stroke by 40%.These statistics are based on Dr. Trisha MacNair’s book, Long Life Equation. This is a quick illustration of how much readjustment power for health situations is in the power of the involved individual. A 2006 study from the University of California in Los Angeles show convincing evidence that couples in stable married partnerships live healthier, happier, longer lives. As you can see, possibilities for health improvement are endless.

It is essential to set a clear goal to live a long, happy, healthy, and productive life. Stress management is workable with a positive attitude. It is a fact that fatigue is the first noticeable symptom of all chronic disease. Let your building blocks of happiness and contentment include: (1) being socially active by maintenance of strong relationships (2) knowing how to laugh and have fun (3) eating right and exercising moderately with a positive attitude.

There are positive signs that an individual knows who he or she is by the rules which are followed. The following rules are signs that an individual respects his body and mind.

  1. Keep this statistic in mind: Smoking contributes to 400,000 deaths yearly. If you remember this, you will not indulge in the habit of smoking unless you wish to place yourself at risk.
  2. Maintain a healthy weight, so that you will not be killed by the effect of your own weight.
  3. Adopt an active lifestyle which enables you to experience happiness.
  4. Avoid excessive consumption of alcohol which combined with negative circumstances could cost you your life.
  5. Take care of yourself by fastening your seat belt while driving or riding in a car.
  6. Repeated doses of medication are not a safe way to reduce stress.
  7. Go for regular health checks.
  8. Learn to control one’s own anger.
  9. Manage time well in all circumstances.
  10. Don’t make money your primary goal. Benjamin Franklin wrote, “Wealth is not his that has it, but his that enjoys it.”
  11. Enjoy sound relationships among friends and family.

Affordable Quality Vitamins - How to Live a Longer and Healthier Life

In conclusion, you need 30-45 minutes of walking, jogging, swimming, or cycling at least 5 days a week. Get exercise in the process of living such as garden work, shoveling snow, making one’s own bed, or better still, daily workouts. Control your own diet with much interest and care.

Affordable Quality Vitamins - How to live a longer and healthier life

According to “Successful Aging”, by doctors Rowe and Kahn, an individual’s genetic make-up accounts for 30% of the person’s ability to achieve longevity. The remaining 70% is our lifestyle. If no life-altering illness is involved, a person has a 70% chance of determining one’s own longevity. It’s up to the determination of each individual to monitor these three basic components of lifestyle: body care, nutrition, and exercise. 70% or your ability to achieve longevity is determined by how you live and what you eat.